What are viruses? On my opinion, viruses are non-living things that make people sick by infecting their cells. Viruses dont only infect people, they can also infect animals. To know more about viruses, I ask my mother some questions about viruses and bacteria.
With this information, the conclusion is that bacteria and virus are totally different things, by lots of factors. For example, viruses are not really living things, Although its still debatable, while bacteria are 100% living things, because it has cells in it.
Klasifikasi makhluk hidup adalah pengelompokan aneka jenis makhluk hidup ke dalam kelompok tertentu. Pengelompokan ini disusun secara runtut sesuai dengan tingkatannya, yaitu mulai dari yang lebih kecil tingkatannya hingga ke tingkatan yang lebih besar.
5 klasifikasi makhluk hidup berdasarkan Robert H Whittaker adalah: