Yogyakarta is awesome!

Yogyakarta is awesome!


The Special Region of Yogyakarta, or DIY, is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is located around Central Java.

It's location Astronomically and Geographically

The location of Yogyakarta astronomically is 7'15 and 8'15 Southern Latitude and 110'5-110'4 East Longitude.
Yogyakarta is geographically located 110'24'19'-110'28'53 'East Longitude 7'15'24' -7'49'26 'Southern Latitude.

Travel Distance


If you live in Jakarta, the distance from Jakarta to Yogyakarta is 564,7 km, so the length of the trip using a car with the speed of 75km/hour is 7 hours 30 minutes. It will take a long time, so it's better to use a airplane that only takes 1 hour 15 minutes, which also means that the speed of the airplane is almost 500km/hour.

The temperature in Jogja is 22°C-32°C. If we change it to Kelvin, then the temperature must be added to 273.15. So if its Kelvin, then the average temperature in Jogja with Kelvin is 295.15°K-305.15°K.


Until the era of Indonesia's NBL. After the end of NBL Indonesia, Bima Sakti players were confused because there was no clarity from the club. Finally, on December 1, 2016, news emerged that became a bright spot for this team. It turned out that Bima Sakti was officially brought to Jogjakarta, and changed its name to Bima Perkasa Jogja. With this new name, they entered the 2016 IBL competition. Several names of Bima Sakti star players are still in this club such as Yanuar Dwi Priasmoro, Alan As'adi, and Restu Dwi Purnomo. Over time, Bima Perkasa Jogja is in demand by regional companies. They are considered capable of promoting their region well. Finally in the 2016-2017 season the name of the club officially became BPD DIY Bima Perkasa Bank. Under the leadership of coach Raoul Miguel Hadinoto, Bima Perkasa is not a team that can be underestimated. Although it did not enliven the top competitions, Bima Perkasa was able to threaten the big teams. However, the most important thing is Bima Perkasa is now a forum for basketball athletes from the City of Students. They can knit their dream of appearing in a professional league with a team from their hometown.

In Jogja there is a basketball team called Bima Perkasa. This is one of the professional basketball teams in Jogja. Bima Perkasa used to be called Bima Sakti. The Bima Sakti Club is the result of a merger of basketball clubs in its era such as Goodyear and Bridgestone, a name that adopted the tire brand. Bimasakti Foundation was legally registered in 1989, the foundation is managed in mutual cooperation. Currently the chairman of the foundation is Setyawan Subandi. They are headquartered at GOR Bima Sakti with a capacity of 2,500 people, GOR Bima Sakti stands on an area of ​​6,700 square meters.


Yogyakarta is a unique place. It has so many unique things! These are a few uniquness from Yogyakarta.

The sign that reads Jl. Malioboro (Malioboro Road) is the sign that shows the name of the road is Jalan Malioboro. It's location is in the south of Tugu Station. This road sign is really popular among tourists who visit, starting from young people to the elderly too. It was so crowded, many were willing to queue for a photo near the sign. Have you take a picture here yet?

There are many temples in Jogjakarta, such as Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Temple, Kalasan Temple, etc. Prambanan Temple or Roro Jonggrang Temple is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia which was built in the 9th century AD. This temple is dedicated to Trimurti, the three main Hindu gods, namely Brahma as the creator god, Vishnu as the god of preservation, and Shiva as the god of destruction. Based on the Siwagrha inscription the original name of this temple complex is Siwagrha (Sanskrit which means 'House of Shiva'), and indeed in the garbagriha (main room) of this temple There is a statue of Shiva Mahadeva as high as three meters which shows that in this temple Lord Shiva is preferred.

Jogjakarta's form of government is very unique because it is still in the form of a monarchy (kingdom), which is different than the form of the Indonesian government which is a republic. This is why the name of the province of Jogjakarta is the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

There are several unique batik motifs in Jogjakarta, such as:

1. Ceplok Motif

Yogyakarta Ceplok Batik motif includes a variety of geometric designs, usually based on a circular rose, star or other small shapes, forming an overall symmetrical pattern on Yogyakarta batik cloth. usually brides use this motif because this motif is usually used at wedding ceremonies or parties.

2. Parang Motif

Yogyakarta Parang Batik motif is commonly referred to as the keris batik motif or sword pattern by the international community. Whereas in Javanese society it is commonly referred to as the Parang Lidah api or flame motif. Parang is one of the strongest batik motifs from other existing batik motifs. The machete motif is in the form of clear lines arranged diagonally parallel. The parang motif itself has developed and has led to other motives such as the Parang Rusak, the Barong machete, the Parang Kusuma, the Parang Pamo, the Klithik parang, and the Sobrah slope. In the past, the maker was a founder of the Mataram Palace, so by the kingdom, the machete motifs could only be used by the king and his descendants and could not be used by ordinary people. This type of batik is then included in the “prohibited batik” group.

There are some foods in Jogja that taste good and special, such as gudeg, krecek, etc. Gudeg is a typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java - young jackfruit cooked / boiled with coconut milk, brown sugar, salt and spices. It takes overnight / 12 hours to cook. The resulting brown color is from teak leaves that are also cooked with it.

The city of Jogja was previously the capital of Indonesia before being moved again to Jakarta. Between early 1946 and late 1949 the Indonesian capital was moved to Yogyakarta then moved back to Jakarta.

Our Team

Dave Wilson Gunawan (07)

Josh Darwin Clement (17)

Toni Halim (27)